Relax, But Don't Take the Summer Off From Great Ideas

Summer is a great time to take a break - but also when inspiration is most likely to strike. With the pace of life slowing up slightly for many people when the sun comes out, you have more time to allow ideas to take shape in your mind. Use the space and time to reflect on the year so far and plan how to improve in the coming months. But just as importantly, let your hair down.
If you are fortunate enough to get a holiday, try not to spend it looking at your smartphone every five minutes. Instead, put business at the back of your mind – but not out of your head. Keep your eyes peeled for a creative idea. You might not be in a brainstorming meeting, but a eureka moment could easily strike while you are stood chatting at the bar.
When you are at work in the summer, try to get away from your desk. Relaxed environments encourage creativity and thinking in a different way. It is lovely to work outside – as long as you spend some time in the shade too.
Because the days are longer and lighter it is that much easier to look after your body. By getting more regular exercise in summer you’ll find your work productivity improves along with your fitness. Why not go for a swim or a run before work, or fit in a game of golf after you clock off?
If you run a business or manage a team, summer is a good time to plan a team trip away, perhaps for a weekend or even for just a night. We’ve always encouraged parties at Jacobs RE Partners, and getting everyone away from home for a while is tremendous for team building. This is especially true for new businesses when the identity and ethos of the brand is still in its infancy. The team get to know each other, act suitably silly and come back to work refreshed, lively and motivated.
Finally, the hot weather in summer means there is absolutely no excuse for anybody to wear a tie. If you see someone wearing one, find your nearest pair of scissors and say bye to the tie!



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