How Men and Women Different on Purchasing Real Estate

A recent article on published on Realtor Magazine researched some of the vast difference between the way that men buy real estate and the way that women buy real estate. Their research shows that the roles are very difference for the "typical" couple. The men are more concerned with the financial aspect of purchasing the home and control over living space. The women, on the other hand, are more concerned with the neighborhood in which they will live and the pride and accomplishment of home ownership. The women also typically take the lead on searching for the home and doing the research of the area in which they will be purchasing their home. Of the couples that were surveyed, the men were much less excited about the process of touring and viewing homes than the woman who had 87 percent say they really liked the process. Another interesting piece of information that came from their research is that the typical couple relies on their Realtor to the be the median if the couple isn't seeing eye to eye on their home purchase. As a Realtor, defusing disagreements between my clients is far less "typical" than the article makes it seem. However, if the situation arises, I am fully prepared to present the facts to my clients and help them make the best possible decision in their real estate purchase!

To read the full article by Realtor Magazine, click the link below:


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